React JS

Next JS

Tailwind CSS

Shadcn UI

My services

React Js

I am a skilled React.js frontend developer with a passion for creating responsive and user-friendly web applications. I excel at turning design concepts into efficient, interactive, and visually appealing interfaces that enhance the user experience.

Next Js

I am a Next.js frontend developer, specializing in building fast and interactive web applications. I leverage the power of React and Next.js to create seamless user experiences and optimize performance

Tailwind CSS

I specialize in frontend development using Tailwind CSS, a powerful utility-first framework. With a focus on speed and efficiency, I create sleek and responsive user interfaces, delivering exceptional user experiences while minimizing development time and code bloat.

Shadcn UI

I have a strong command of Shadcn UI, a powerful UI framework for Next.js. As a frontend developer, I leverage its sleek and responsive components to create visually stunning and user-friendly web applications with efficiency and precision.

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flexbox design image



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